Selected Creer Memorial Inscriptions From Various IOM GraveyardsKirk GermanPlot 881 In loving memory of William Creer of Ballacurry Greeba who died April 2nd 1915 in the 63rd year of his age. Thy will be done. Also Margaret Ann wife of the above who died July 15th 1924 aged 84 years. Also Arthur Livesley dearly beloved husband of Nora Margaret who died February 9th 1978 aged 63 years. In heavenly love abiding. Plot 1244 In loving memory of Ellen Creer who died February 15th 1914 aged 63 years. Also Edward Corkhill, nephew of the above who died August 1897 aged 31 years. Plot 1167 In loving memory of Evan the beloved son of Paul and Margaret Creer who died 25th Dec 1885 aged 22 years. We saw him fade & waste away. We saw him gasp for breath. We saw upon his sunken cheek the fatal sign of death. Also, Margaret Creer the beloved wife of Paul Creer who entered into rest Sunday 14th Dec 1890 aged 68 years. Farewell dear children my life is past, My love to you so long did last. Also Paul Creer husband of the above who entered into rest Friday 22nd Feb 1895 aged 77 years. A light from our household gone, A voice we love is still'd. Also their daughter Emily Sage Creer who died 12th Apr 1949 aged 83 years. Maughold
Plot C6 In memory of Mary wife of Edward Creer who died Nov 16th 1824 aged 40 years also Edward Creer who died 24th March 1869 aged 85 years. His end was peace. Plot D2 Sacred to the memory of William Creer of Rhinab who departed this life November the 6th 1846 aged 82 years, also Jane Creer widow of the above who died January 19 1893 aged 90 years. Plot D3 In memory of John Creer of Rhinab who departed this life the 8th of June 1855 aged 25 years. Go home dear friends and shed no tears, we must lie here till Christ appears, when at his coming we shall have a joyful rising from the grave. Plot D4 Here you will find the dormitory
of John Creer of Rhenib who departed this life the 8th of August 1804
aged 68 years. In loving memory of our brother William Edward Cretney. Born Dec
10th 1844. Died Nov 9th 1921 great grandson of the above. Plot L9 In loving memory of Elinor wife of James Kissack and eldest daughter of Thomas Morrison of this parish died May 5th 1906 aged 77. Until the day break and also of Ann Jane Creer daughter of the above Elinor Kissack and William Creer her husband died February 6th 1937 Plot L17 William Sayle born 8th May, died 21st Aug 1836. John Thomas born 9th Aug, died 5th Sep 1837, sons of William and Esther Creer of Ramsey, also Esther wife of William Creer who died 15th November 1875 aged 61 years. Her children rise up and call her blessed. Plot L19 In memory of John Creer of Ramsey who died Feb 7th 1834 aged 67 years, also Margaret Creer daughter of the above who died Oct 10th 1860 in the 63rd year of her age. Plot L20 In memory of Isabella wife of John Creer of Ramsey who died June 22nd 1832 aged 65 years also William Creer son of the above who died Sep 15th 1853 in the 61st year of his age. St Pauls FoxdalePlots 325/6 In loving memory of Catherine Louise, the only daughter of William and Isabella Creer who died at Ballamona October 25th 1912 aged 24 years, also Isabella, wife of William Creer and mother of the above who died Nov 12th 1914 aged 64 years. Also William Creer husband of the above who died September 18th 1917 aged 60 years, also Frank son of the above who died July 20th 1953 aged 72 years, also Lizzie beloved wife of the above who died Aug 18th 1953 aged 65 years. New PatrickPlots 118/119 In affectionate remembrance of
Daniel Creer of Glen Rushen who died Dec 13th 1903 aged 55yrs also
Sussanah dearly beloved wife of the above who died Feb 10th 1946 aged
96 years also Catherine Ann beloved daughter of the above who died April 17th
1964 aged 71 years At rest. Plot 158 In loving memory of Catherine Maria Dottie second and dearly beloved daughter of William Robert and Mary Ann Creer of Douglas who departed this life 28th Sept 1895 aged 10 years 8 months. Safe in the arms of Jesus. Also of the above named William Robert Creer who departed this life 16th Nov 1918 aged 65 years, also Mary Ann wife of the above who departed this life 23rd May 1919 aged 32 years.
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